Target ads to geographic locations

Note: Google Ads location targeting doesn’t determine geographic borders.

Google Ads location targeting allows your ads to appear in the geographic locations that you select. Locations may include countries, areas within a country, and a radius around a location or location groups that can include places of interest, your business locations and/or tiered demographics.

Location targeting helps you focus your advertising to help find the right customers for your business. This specific type of targeting could help increase your return on investment (ROI).

Note: Hotel Ads campaigns can't be targeted by radius.

This article explains how location targeting works and how to set it up in your account.

Keep in mind
Location targeting is based on a variety of signals, including users' settings, devices, and behavior on our platform, and is Google’s best effort to serve ads to users who meet your location settings. Because these signals vary, 100% accuracy is not guaranteed in every situation.

As always, you should check your overall performance metrics to help ensure your settings are meeting your advertising goals and change them as needed.

Target the right locations for your business

Get guidance on how to choose the location targets that are most appropriate for your business.

Broad geo targeting

Before you set up your location targeting, consider how specific you’d like your settings to be. Broad geo targeting ("Presence or Interest") can help you reach people who not only exist in your targeted locations, but have shown an interest in your targeted locations.

With broad geo targeting, you’ll find the following benefits:

  • Access to a variety of targeting locations, ranging from entire countries, areas within a country like cities or territories, or a radius around a location.
  • Ability to capture more conversions, clicks, and impressions from users who are interested in your product or service.
Tip: Advertisers who switched location targeting from "Presence" to "Presence or Interest" in the Travel, Real Estate, and Education verticals view +5% more conversions on Search campaigns. (Source: Google internal data, Global, 5/21/2022 - 6/1/2022).

While broad geo targeting is recommended as a best practice on Search, it’s important to know when targeting for “Presence” makes sense. You should consider “Presence” targeting in instances when:

  • Your business falls within a sensitive vertical with strict targeting limitations.
  • You only want to target users in specific locations and not users who may be in other locations but are still interested in your product or service.

Set up location targeting

Select an option below for location targeting instructions. Keep in mind that available location target types vary by country.

Suggested time for task: 5-7 minutes

Note: Google Ads only permits targeting for locations that adhere to minimum privacy thresholds where minimum area and minimum user counts are met. For example, we do not allow radius targeting under 1 km around any given location. If your desired location target doesn't adhere to these privacy thresholds, then you'll not be able to target it in the Google Ads interface.

Locations of interest

Locations of interest is an optional, ad group-level feature that you can use to reach users who are searching for or have expressed interest in specific geographic areas. Set your preferred location of interest and add phrase and broad match keywords that are relevant to your business in your ad groups for best results.

You can select more than one location of interest and have the option to specify multiple locations for your ad groups in addition to the location targeting settings at the campaign level.

The location you choose to target at the campaign level and your location of interest can be different. For example, when you want to promote your business in “Spain” to users in the “US”, you can create an ad group with Spain set as your locations of interest in a campaign with the US set as the campaign-level location targeting.


A user present in Chicago searching for “hotels in Madrid” or “hotels in Paris”.

When setting locations of interest, keep in mind that the location mentioned in the user’s query is considered first and if there’s no mention of a location in the query, the user’s location of presence is taken into account.

Note: Users matching an ad group using the locations of interest feature must still meet campaign-level geo-targeting criteria. If the ad group-level and campaign-level locations are different, the user must meet both. For example, by being present in the campaign-level location and expressing interest in the ad group-level location.

You can’t use the locations of interest feature for locations that are excluded at the campaign level.

How to set up locations of interest for ad groups when creating a Search campaign

  1. Go to the Create button Create Button and click Campaign.
  2. Create a new Search campaign.
  3. When you reach the “Keywords and ads” page in the creation flow, scroll down and click More settings.
  4. Click the Locations of interest dropdown panel.
  5. Add the locations you intend to target.
  6. Click Next and complete the remaining campaign creation steps.

Advanced: Targeting multiple locations in bulk

Google Ads allows you to add a bulk list of up to 1000 location targets at a time, rather than adding each location individually. We also offer tools for bulk editing. Click an option below to find out more.

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