How should I use this "Analyze competition" data?

Competitive benchmarks give you a unique view of your advertising ecosystem, helping you make more informed account optimization decisions based on your performance in the market. While this data can be illuminating and powerful, it's important that you use it as another piece of information to hone your advertising strategy.

Know your goals

Like with all automated ideas and analyses, it's important that you know your advertising goals and only make changes that can contribute to those goals.
  • Look at the right metric. Based on your specific advertising goals, make sure to focus on the metric that best reflects what success means to you.
  • Filter the data. If you care most about your success in a certain location or from a certain campaign, focus on just that data. Click a campaign or ad group to hone into its performance. Click the Filter competition button above the table to see data from competitors in your region only.
  • Winning isn't everything. It's important to remember that it's not always a bad thing to compete below your competitors for a certain metric. Sure, it's tempting to want to beat all your competitors in every metric, but make sure to focus on areas that you value the most and pay less attention to areas that don't affect your goals.

Understand the data

  • If you perform below your competitors: If you're performing below your competitors for a metric that you value, consider making improvements to your campaigns. Click the Explore ideas button to get ideas on how to improve your performance. While you consider improvements, it's important to understand the cost of each of the changes you make in your account. Some changes can get you more traffic or better competitive performance, but it's up to you to decide if that boost adds sufficient value to your business.
  • If you perform in the middle: Continue to monitor the competitive analysis to see if you stay in the middle. Since your performance is probably close to the norm, use other indicators to judge whether you are meeting your advertising goals. For example, review your conversion data to see if your performance is yielding the number of sales or leads that you'd like.
  • If you perform much better than your competitors: Make sure that you compare your performance for every metric. For example, you might lead the pack in impressions, but perform below average in clicks. Decide which metrics are most important to you and then aim to perform above average in those comparisons. You also want to consider the value you receive from performing well in one area. For example, if you outperform everyone in clicks but receive many valuable sales from those clicks, it doesn't really matter how your competitors perform.

Improve your campaigns

After reviewing the data and considering your goals, you might decide that you want to improve your performance in a certain area. If you think that you can gain some competitive advantage with keyword, bid, or budget changes, click the Explore ideas button to see some automated ideas for your campaign.

You can also follow some of our optimization tips to improve your performance in a particular area.

  • Clicks: You might get more clicks by adding keywords, improving your ad text to make it more compelling, increasing your bids to help your ad show in a higher position, and increasing your budget so that your ad can show more often.
  • Impressions: If your goal is to have more ad views, consider adding relevant keywords so that your ad can show for a wider range of searches, expanding your targeting to help reach more customers, or increasing your budget so that your ad can show more often. See more tips for increasing impressions.
  • CTR: For better clickthrough rate, focus on improving the quality of your ad text, ensuring the relevance of your keywords, and organizing your campaign into tightly themed ad groups. See more tips for improving CTR.
  • Ad position: A better Quality Score can help improve your ad position, so consider increasing the relevance of your keywords and ads. Higher bids might also improve your ad position. See more tips for improving ad position

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